what are they?
While we welcome all open projects that meet the criteria, we also want to show the world what the open source card- and boardgame community can achieve by giving good examples of our abilities to produce high quality games. We want to show everyone that we’re capable of creating professional end products, games that are a beauty to watch and that are fun to play.
We do so by maintaining a central list – called featured projects – where we mention or showcase the currently highest quality games within our community. The list may hold any amount of projects, and is always in revision.
The latest three games on that list are also displayed on the front page. This is a way for us to promote and help developers get exposure, and also for all of us to take pride and celebrate another open game within our framework. We think that what we all do as developers when we share with the world is a great thing that we should encourage and promote.
We do not sell spots for commercial on our featured projects list, neither do we do it on any other place on the site. If you are interested in exposure you are better of contacting us and telling us about your project and needs.